webcast | 1 credit

How AI is Transforming Talent Acquisition

Optimize Your Talent Strategy
Acquire the Right Talent

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Add event to your calendar:20240529T180000Z20240529T190000ZHow AI is Transforming Talent AcquisitionThis webinar covers an overview of AI applications and how they are being used to streamline the talent acquisition and recruiting process, augment ATS databases with high-value candidate information, and improving hiring outcomes. Here’s an overview of what you’ll learn: Examples of AI applications  Emerging AI regulation and how it applies to staffing, recruiting, and HR  How interview intelligence and generative AI can streamline the interview process and improve candidate engagement  What is conversational analytics and how does it apply to talent acquisition  Case study on how AI is being used in practice Three Key Takeaways: Types of AI applications  AI bias concerns and evolving AI regulation How AI is transforming the talent acquisition process - https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hci.org%2Fwebcast%2Fhow-ai-transforming-talent-acquisitionHuman Capital Institutenoreply@hci.orgAmerica/New_Yorkpublic