How Family-Friendly Is Your Workplace?
In the global competition for talent, organizations often distinguish themselves by offering attractive benefits to their employees. One increasingly popular way to do this is to offer family-friendly benefits, like on-site child care. Employers’ family-friendly programs also must ensure employee retention, satisfaction, and productivity, which would constitute a return on investment for the employer. The popularity of benefits and programs that meet the needs of working families continues to rise. According to Families and Work Institute’s 2012 National Study of Employers, 63% of employers allow some of their employees to work from home occasionally; this is up from 34% in 2005.
Your participation in this survey will reveal how commonplace family-friendly benefits are in organizations and what implications are there for organizational and employee performance. As our "thank you" for sharing your insights through the survey, you will receive a complimentary copy of this unique research report and a $200 discount for any of our upcoming HCI conferences.