A Smarter Recruiting Model
It comes as no surprise that you live in a highly complex, ever-changing world. As trite as it is to start a blog post with this acknowledgement, the fact remains true and the only way to compete is to evolve and adapt to the new realities.
Some of those realities for HRM, sourcing and recruiting are: Forty percent of the U.S.workforce will be freelancers, or contingent labor by the year 2020. Big Data is here to stay. Using data to drive decision-making is nothing new, but the amount of data that can be sourced and utilized for HRM and recruiting can give your company a competitive advantage. However, most HR departments are not ready to meet this challenge. Forty-nine percent of U.S. organizations are having difficulty in finding talent for critical positions.
How prepared is your organization to source the talent of tomorrow? What do you need to do today to anticipate talent needs? How will your organization deal with the STEM talent shortage? How can you better adapt your talent strategy to your business strategy? What can Big Data do for your recruitment strategy? Do these questions keep you up at night?
If your organization is concerned with building a flexible, scale recruiting model for today's ever changing, complex economy, register today for a new webcast Building a Smarter Recruiting Model. The webcast airs on May 7, 2013 at a special time of 9:30 am EST. Sue Campbell, Managing Director, Service Delivery & Operations APAC, will talk through the smarter recruitment model, assessment methodologies and how to build a successful recruitment model for today.