Take a Multi-pronged Approach to the War for Talent
A recent report by McKinsey &Co. found that, across the globe, about 70% of educators believe students enter the workforce prepared to work while only about 50% of employers shared that view. This difference of opinion tells a larger story of the mismatch between the education young people are receiving and the education/skills employers need to fill entry-level positions. Partnerships between educators and employers are already showing promise as an innovative way to ensure curriculums align more closely with the needs of the marketplace. However, these bridges between education and employment take time and resources to develop. In the mean time, employers must ensure they have enough of the right people in the right place at the right time. Otherwise, these firms may not be around to benefit from partnerships with educators.
At HCI’s 2013 Workforce Planning and Analytics Conference, we have a line-up of speakers and sessions designed to give human capital professionals the tools they need to hire, develop, deploy, and retain the talent they need today and tomorrow. For those who will not physically be with us in Atlanta next week, why not attend virtually at a fraction of the cost?
Watch keynote presentations from Soren Kaplan on how to “Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs and Innovation” or hear how HP connects “Business and Human Capital Strategy to Workforce Planning”. Also in the line-up, virtual attendees can learn how organizations like FedEx and Procter & Gamble are using their human capital data to identify critical roles, assess leadership risks, and transform the business as a whole. This two-day event will culminate in a presentation from Bill Rasmussen (founder of ESPN) on how to foster entrepreneurial capital and innovation within your organization.
Whether you attend in person or virtually, follow the event’s live-blog, twitter feed (#HCIevents) and keep up on Facebook. It’s sure to be a memorable gathering of the best minds as they discuss the most pressing human capital issues of the day.