I’m passionate about employee health and well-being. We spend a huge amount of our life working, so let’s make sure we use that time to nourish our mental, physical and social well-being. Having been in this space for more than two decades, I know that when companies focus on creating a culture of health and well-being, not only do the employees benefit, but so does the organization.
I believe so much in the culture of well-being, I've written a book that provides leaders and their organizations a roadmap for creating a happier, healthier workplace. A Cure for the Common Company: A Well-Being Prescription for a Healthier, Happier, and More Resilient Workforce launches in January 2023 (Wiley).
As the Chief Medical Director of Employee Health and Well-Being at Johns Hopkins Medicine, I lead the Healthy at Hopkins employee health and well-being strategy. Using innovative thinking, insight, and strategic planning based on the available science, I’ve introduced many creative solutions to foster well-being in the workplace and inspire employees to adopt healthier habits.
In addition to my current role at Hopkins, I’m a public speaker and author who champions healthy workplace culture by focusing on six building blocks: leadership support, shared values, social climate, healthy norms, peer support, and touchpoints. Organizations need to change if they expect their employees to thrive and be well. My leadership skills and relatable approach has helped many companies and teams adjust their strategy to get on a better path to health.
My work has been recognized by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Governor of Maryland. I’ve also made an impression on the business community, working with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, the Mid-Atlantic Business Group on Health, and the American Health Insurance Plan. I currently serve on the board of directors of Our Love Company and previously sat on the board of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
I’m also a health enthusiast who enjoys hiking and camping in the Andes, Alaska, Australia, and across the Western United States. I live in Columbia, Maryland, with my wife, three children, and our dog Kami.
Learn more at: https://richardsafeer.com/