HR Connect 2022

Discover how to revamp your talent management strategies to engage and retain your workers for years to come by exploring compliance, recruitment, corporate culture, and so much more.


HR Connect 2022 unfortunately has been cancelled, but we’re pleased to offer recorded keynotes from some of the sessions offered.


Identifying and Combating Employee Burnout in the Hybrid World


According to recent research, over 76% of employed Americans admit to experiencing some symptoms of burnout in the past year, and nearly 1 in 10 admit to “complete burnout.” It's no secret that the last 2 years have really taken a toll on workers across the nation, and the globe. So how can HR leaders and managers help combat the burnout crisis now that workers are returning to the office, while other continue to hold steadfast in their remote working arrangements?
This presentation will help you understand the causes that lead to employee burnout, how to recognize the signs that your workers are becoming too stressed, and ways to overcome and prevent burnout from taking over your workplace.

Presented by Danielle Posa, Workplace Wellbeing Advisor & Vice Chair, GWI Workplace Wellbeing Initiative


Improving the Employee and Candidate Experience for Distributed Workers


Whether your employees are in-house, spread out across the globe, or both, the experience you are providing will ultimately shape their long-term plans with your organization. Not only do you need to be concerned with providing a positive experience to workers, but you also must focus on the experience of your jobseekers. Offer a bad experience, and those jobseekers will not hesitate to share their negative experience with their family and friends.
As our world of work continues to revolve around technology and we seek out talent from all corners of the globe, focusing on "experience" will set you apart from the competition. This presentation will cover tips, tricks, and best practices for improving the experience at every stage of the employee life cycle.

Presented by Chris Murdock, Cofounder & Chief Sourcing Officer, IQTalent Partners