
Google School for Leaders: Building a New Future of Leadership Development

General Session

The nature of leadership is changing, and leadership development needs to keep pace. In a world where knowledge is becoming outdated almost as fast as humans can acquire it, best practices are no longer what’s needed. Employees are requiring so much more from their companies and leaders than ever before, and traditional methods of motivation and retention are no longer working. It’s clearly time for a paradigm shift.

At Google, we set out to understand the future of leadership development and launched a new leadership center of excellence: The Google School for Leaders. Our research tells us that to create lasting change and keep up with the times, leaders must become more self-aware and expand their range of behavior choices. This requires working on their thinking (not simply acquiring a new skill or behavior).

During this session, you’ll learn more about:

- What Google has discovered about what it takes to become an adaptable leader and why this matters for the future of leadership

- Lessons from Google’s ongoing efforts to reinvent leadership development and how to apply them to your own challenges

- Why great leadership is becoming even more critical to employee engagement, motivation, and retention across industries

- What you can do to build a case for a different approach to leadership development in your own organization.