Corporate Director of Training and Development
Tang & Company

Register in Advance: The Mind Science Behind Inclusion: Tools to Build Better Allyship at Work

Interactive Session

This session will highlight the latest scientific theories that drive our understanding of successful inclusive workplaces. Over the past few years, leading research in the behavioral sciences has created a new understanding of what drives diversity and inclusion. Attendees will achieve actionable insights and tools to build inclusion in the teams, processes, and systems of their organizations.

This will be interactive, allowing attendees to play with the science, tell stories of their experiences, and weave these new ideas into their current projects.

You will learn:

Individual level:

- The Ally Spectrum

- Mind science behind bias (Thinking systems)

- Primary, secondary, and tertiary elements of diversity and their effect on decision-making

- Social Transaction Theory

Team level:

- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory

- Biases that create career deceleration

- Cultural Brokering

Organizational Culture

- Hofstrede’s cultural dimensions

- High and low context culture

Bringing it together:

- Hallmarks of inclusive workplaces

- Symptoms of a lack of inclusion and how to recognize them

- Coaching for inclusion (dealing with an employee in Denial)