Gallaher, Ph.D.
Gallaher Edge

Dr. Laura Gallaher is an organizational psychologist, speaker, facilitator and executive coach. She is the founder and CEO of Gallaher Edge, which she started in 2013.

Her noteworthy career began after the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded upon re-entry in 2003, killing everybody aboard. Following the tragedy, NASA hired Laura and a team of organizational psychologists to change the cultural influences that were deemed to play a role in the accident. She worked for eight years to positively influence culture, develop leadership capacity and improve organizational performance at Kennedy Space Center.

Laura was also hired to help manage the modifications associated with radical changes in the performance management process and philosophy at Walt Disney Parks & Resorts.

Laura is an expert teacher, trainer, speaker, and consultant, particularly in the concepts of self-awareness, accountability, trust-building and team cohesion.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. Laura is a Licensed Human Element® Practitioner, a Certified Radical Collaboration Trainer and a Certified Coach.