Chaveso “Chevy”
Executive Director

Leadership When Lives are at Stake: Lessons from Special Operations

General Session

Leading in high stress and/or dangerous contexts is fundamentally the same, yet qualitatively different, from leading in other contexts. These contexts are known as in extremis, defined as leading where there is physical danger or where followers believe that leader behavior will influence their well-being. Outcomes mean more than success or failure, pride or embarrassment – they can be hurt or healthy, dead or alive. The unique psychological, social and organizational demands that arise during in extremis situations is what makes leading and developing teams within these contexts very different. Arguably, these contexts produce leaders that are high performing and teams that are high functioning – desirable traits for success in any field.

In addition to discussing the career, psychosocial and role model mentorship functions, development for high stress and in extremis leaders requires creating integrated leader development frameworks that accomplish two main goals: clarification and recognition of the demands placed upon leaders; and explanation of the capacities needed so that leaders can best adapt to challenges and changes in a variety of situations. As such, research findings indicate building leaders that can perform during in extremis contexts requires a holistic developmental model which integrates interrelated psychological structures, capacities, traits and skills that facilitate both leaders’ and followers’ ability to operate in a given high stress context. This session will discuss the model, which includes six main facets: worldview, self-awareness, sense of agency, self-regulation, self-motivation, and social awareness/connection to others. In addition to the science, this session will also discuss lessons learned and implications for developmental experiences, training, and intervention strategies from other high stakes/high stress contexts for participants to relate to their own arenas.


- Hear from a Special Operations veteran about in extremis experiences and the leadership required for our nation’s highest performing defenders. 

- Learn to create developmental frameworks which optimize both the individual and social characteristics for premier leaders and close-knit teams.

- Understand the combat-tested research behind holistic developmental models and apply it to your own high-performing/high-stress contexts.