Learn how to link leadership development activities directly to strategic intent of the company
Embed outside-in thinking more effectively into the organization
Determine how to tackle the behavior or cultural barriers preventing successful engagement and leadership conviction
Engage leaders in a conversation on leadership, the legacy they want to leave, and creating greater ownership for the change
A fast changing and increasingly complex business environment requires leaders to be more agile and adaptable than ever before. Broader leadership teams represent the link between strategic ambition and the effective execution of strategy through your managers and individual contributors. If leaders don’t model the right behaviors or if they lack conviction in the strategy, silos get perpetuated, engagement stalls, and change does not occur.
This session highlights a recent initiative at a global automotive financial organization to drive true business change at all leader levels, by engaging them in the how and the why of new strategies, by delivering new methods for creating better levels of trust, and by connecting employees to organizational strategy thereby delivering greater levels of engagement. This webcast demonstrates how a stronger understanding of both strategy and the impact each role has on business outcomes leads to higher levels of engagement and accelerated business results. Come away from this webcast with a clear understanding of what it means to drive strategic engagement vs. employee engagement, and where to best focus efforts to create meaningful business results through leaders and managers.