Director, Leadership and Organizational Development
Parkview Health
Specialist, Organization Development
Parkview Health

How a “Followership Model” Translates to Retention and ROI

What do you do when everyone wants to be a leader, but there aren’t enough openings to go around? In this HCI Keynote video, Brian W. Cook and Debra Stam of Parkview Health describe how a “followership” development model is contributing to a sustainable culture of development, engagement, and retention.

Key insights:

  • Understand that high performing employees don’t just passively follow instructions; they positively challenge leaders to focus on the right goals.
  • Give individual contributors need more than just training in technical skills; invest in developing their self-awareness, strategic agility, and peer relationships to maximize their value to the business.
  • Align your leadership development and succession planning strategies with principles of “followership” to create a logical path to leadership positions.