Senior VP, People and Technology
The Motley Fool, Inc

Agile Performance Management for Any Organization

How can you trust your employees when you spend all your time on the employees you don’t trust? You’ll wind up retaining the people you don’t want to keep and losing the people you do. In this HCI Keynote video, Nate McMahon details how multimedia financial services company The Motley Fool builds projects around people who need direction, not directions.

Key insights:

  • Understand that your company culture is not in the quirks or the perks; it’s the manifestation of your organizational belief system.
  • Discard performance practices born of an industrial age model such as extrinsic motivators like compensation. The new Performance Management practices are on the periphery and cannot be incentivized.
  • Learn how the Visionary, Operator, Processor, and Synergist archetypes can apply to team members in particular phases of a project.