Chief People Officer
President & CEO
Interaction Associates

Life After Removing the Annual Performance Review

60% of workers want feedback from their managers daily, not just at an annual or bi-annual review. Clearly, we need to rethink our approach to performance management. In this original HCI Keynote video, Dorie Blesoff of kCura and Barry Rosen of Interaction Associates make the case for a revolution in this critical talent management process.

Key insights:

  • Increase the frequency of your feedback touchpoints for quicker identification of high-potentials and “in the moment” interventions.
  • Understand that people will be intimidated by this high-frequency approach to performance conversations; as they acclimate to it, many employees will actively seek feedback out.
  • Career development and learning are twice as important to Millennials as compensation and benefits; retain Millennial employees longer by engaging them with stretch assignments and concrete development goals.