Chief Talent Acquisition Officer, HR Head, Media Business
Ericsson Inc

Building an Authentic Diversity & Inclusion Strategy that Touches the Society, Candidates and Employees

Ericsson is committed to a gender diversity hiring plan. Ericsson aims to have 30 percent of its workforce made up of women employees by 2020, the current figure is AT 22 percent. Hear about the genesis of Ericcson’s D&I strategy, the link between D&I strategy and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and how we included our employees and recruiting teams to activate the D&I recruiting strategy.
You will learn:

  • How to develop an authentic D&I strategy that has strong support from the business leaders
  • How to enlist all leaders to convey messaging that empowers differences in the workforce.
  • How to leverage social media to energize your community—candidates and employees-- to support your mission.