Global President & Manager, Caterpillar Digital Marketing
Caterpillar Womens Initiatives Network

A Grassroots ERG Effort Has Global Impact

With a history firmly rooted in manufacturing & technology and a legacy of innovation, Caterpillar is a 90 year old industry leader that has set a target of achieving 30 percent women in its workforce and leadership roles by 2022.
As part of a journey to develop a strong pipeline of female leaders, Caterpillar's Women's Initiatives Network introduced the first gender specific workshop that catalyzed an enterprise conversation about female talent. Rather than focusing on molding leaders to the prevailing culture, this program focuses on authenticity and small wins. More than two years after initial deployment, the program has generated strong results for the participants and the business.
You will learn:

  • How a grassroots initiative became a global phenomenon.
  • How an ERG created the first training course designed to drive business results.
  • How an award-winning partnership significantly reduced design to deployment time.