VP, HR - Strategic Talent Acquisition/Global Inclusion & Diversity

Reimagining Talent Acquisition: How Cisco is Using Technology to Redefine the Talent Experience

The way people want to work is changing. They’re socially connected, mobile, and expect the same “on demand” access they have in their personal life at work. Most HR departments and TA functions aren’t equipped to handle that – Cisco’s certainly wasn’t when Jill Larsen joined.  But HR teams have to adapt in order to attract and retain the workforce of tomorrow.  And many of them have to do it within the reality of a shrinking HR budget. Under Jill’s leadership, Cisco started reimagining (and rebuilding) its approach to Talent Acquisition. They did so by shifting from simply filling requisitions to taking a high touch, strategic direction in support of Cisco’s transformation to software and cloud models.  The result was a dramatic reduction in costs (almost 35% in 3 years) and the best KPIs in Cisco’s talent acquisition history.

You will learn:

  • Insight into the importance of creating a Talent Brand – one which current and future employees from the top down feel engaged with and passionate about.
  • Discussion on the next gen tools and models, e.g. AI, machine learning, etc., to build recruiter capabilities and enhance the candidate experience – and a look at the some of the best practices and lessons learned from these new services.
  • Her view on how advanced analytics can be used to improve candidate sourcing and build credibility for recruiters with hiring managers.