
How to Transform Your Company by Creating a Culture of Deep Connection

Self-Determination Theory (SDT), a commonly subscribed to model of human motivation, suggests that human connection is one of the three most important psychological drivers behind people's actions. In the New York Times best-seller Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, author Yuval Noah Harari suggests that our survival and success as a species has been based on our ability to socialize, relate, and gossip (or talk about the relationships we have). Empirical evidence suggests Millennials care more about community and having friends at work than they do about compensation or job title. It seems that connection is at the core of our needs, our desires, our sociology, and even our biology.

But if human connection is so important and essential to our existence as human beings, why does it feel like we’re further apart than we’ve ever been? Thanks to technology, we’re all very connected, but many of us feel that we’re not really connecting. How can we change this and leverage connection to help us build stronger communities, especially during the age of the Millennial?

This conversation dives into the paramount importance of human connection, personal relationships, and authentic collaboration in the world of tomorrow and provides insights into how anyone can create a more connected and effective environment with the Millennial generation at its core. We’ll explore the topics of empathy, vulnerability and compassion amongst other often neglected, yet essential, characteristics of the future’s strongest & most fulfilling workplaces.

The talk will include tangible take-aways and easy-to-implement tips for how you and your organization can immediately create more fulfilling and powerful bonds inside the office that will yield greater organizational performance and happier, healthier employees.

You will learn:

  • Why creating deeper connection is essential to your organization’s success & especially with the Millennial generation
  • How to develop and promote a mindset of healthy connection in a workplace
  • What language to use and promote to create greater cohesiveness and deeper bonds amongst your workforce
  • What activities you can integrate (at no cost) to create a stronger and more collaborative culture
  • How today’s best leaders employ radical vulnerability, compassion and empathy to win people’s hearts before their minds