Professor of Management
The Wharton School of the University Pennsylvania

How Agile Systems are Changing Human Resources

In this session, we will learn how agile approaches to projects and work make new demands on the businesses that use them, especially in human resources.  Among these are the continuing efforts to eliminate annual performance reviews and shifts toward continuous feedback.   Similar changes are underway in adapting the recruiting process to a more flexible approach, again with more feedback from clients.  HR practices themselves are being developed and designed in agile ways, eliminating plans and timelines – in some cases even pilot projects – and instead using iterative approaches that adjust the practices to reactions from employees as they are being developed.

You will learn:

  • The key elements of agile approaches
  • The practices in HR as well as in areas like finance that conflict with agile methods
  • How to make the choice: whether agile approaches make sense for your operations or parts of them