AVP/Director, HR

Life After Performance Ratings & Reviews….and the Road Ahead

Recently, Symetra went through a rapid shift away from traditional performance management to a philosophy built on real-time feedback and recognition. In less than 18 months, we evolved from an annual cycle built around a performance rating to a one-size-fits-one approach that emphasizes the importance of on-going feedback and coaching that leads to even greater levels of contribution, enhanced engagement and development for career growth. We have given managers the tools to reward strong contribution in real-time and are developing skills for both giving and receiving feedback in real-time.

During the presentation you’ll hear a bit about Symetra’s expedition to this brave new world, and what we’re doing to continue the learning journey for our managers and employees.

You will learn:

  • The strategies Symetra used ahead of the changes to lay the foundation for success
  • Symetra’s blueprint for driving employee engagement, development and contribution through active feedback and coaching
  • The road ahead – how we continue to innovate in the talent management space