Formerly Senior VP, Culture and Communications
Southwest Airlines

Unstoppable Cultures: Creating and Sustaining Organizations of Enduring Greatness

Every company has a culture. For some, it's a culture of innovation -- new ideas that have never been tried. For others, it's about fun (birthday cakes and costumes are often involved). For others, it’s toxicity and gossip. There are cultures that celebrate loyalty, hard work, or profit above all else. There are cultures that are both intentional and accidental. There are also cultures that draw people in and others that drive people away. There are cultures that detract from the mission of the organization, cultures that must be overcome or compensated for, cultures that derail or dead end. Surely, you can resonate with at least one of these descriptions.

But then, there are cultures that are unstoppable. Unstoppable Cultures put people first, are consistent in nurturing their culture through systems, and are relentless in storytelling. Ginger will walk you through the critical characteristics of unstoppable cultures, leaving you with both practical and inspiring ideas on how to begin the journey of building the culture you always dreamed of for your organization.

You will learn:

  • Why and how to put your organization's people first
  • Systems that consistently nurture an organization's culture
  • How to be relentless in storytelling