Speaker, Author & High-Performance Coach
Pro Athlete Advantage

Emotional Agility and Mental Resiliency for Personal, Professional Success

If you want to perform at your peak, it all starts with developing a dominant “inner” game and forming the right habits to drive massive results!

As leaders, we want to get to the next level, which means going all in for every area of life, business and relationships included, but along our journey we can encounter adversity, self-doubt and fear. Bottom line, something holds us back from getting where we want to go, and too often – it’s ourselves.

Breaking through and dominating our lives comes down to a mental game. Attendees will be given the Mental Toughness Training Tools that Matt teaches to athletes, entrepreneurs and business professionals around the world.

You will learn:

  • How you control your thoughts … not the other way around: Learn the science behind our thoughts and how you they can propel you forward
  • How to take risk because you are a risk taker; powerful for peak performance
  • How visualization and focusing techniques keep you moving forward in high-performance mode