Soft Skills Training 360

Don’t Kill the Messenger! Persuasive Communication Skills HR Must Master In the Data-driven Workplace

In the HR world of big data, people analytics and workforce planning, change seems to happen at the speed of light. As HR professionals, you are often tasked with communicating hard, nuanced or often conflicting messages in real time to audiences that may not be as receptive as the data drivers suggest.

“Don’t kill the messenger!” seems to be a safe zone you can run toward, but in your professional capacity, you don’t get the option of separating yourself from the message you deliver. Persuasive communication is an essential soft skill for HR leaders to master, and as Aristotle said “The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor.”

Participants will learn:

  • Scientifically proven principles of persuasion when communicating any message
  • How to be a master of metaphor in your personal and professional communication
  • How to align your message and your messenger style for maximum persuasive effectiveness