Human Capital Institute (HCI)
Human Capital Institute (HCI)

Making Referral Programs Count: Quality Hires through Employee Networks

In this highly competitive job market, how are you acquiring talent, and are you leveraging the full strength of your employees’ networks to source and attract quality candidates? Employee referral programs are a top source of quality hires, but nonexistent or poorly designed programs, ineffective rewards, and infrequent communication can tarnish your employment brand and the opportunity to obtain referral hires. In HCI’s proprietary research on this topic, we examined how employers are designing, implementing, and measuring the success of their employee referral programs. We reveal the incentives that work and the six recommendations that will help encourage your best to refer the brightest.


  • Learn the prerequisites for any successful referral program.
  • Understand how to measure the success of all your sourcing efforts including referrals.
  • Explore best practices from case studies of leading organizations.