Senior Consultant, People Science
Senior Director of Organizational Development Science 

Why is Action Planning So Difficult? An Agile Approach to Acting on Employee Feedback

While most organizations are leveraging employee engagement surveys, 80% of leaders don’t believe their programs are driving meaningful change, signaling that something is fundamentally wrong with our approach to employee feedback.

There is a great opportunity to shift away from the traditional focus on survey events and action plans and instead, adopt a scalable and sustainable approach to using employee feedback to fuel change.

In this workshop led by organizational development experts Justin Black and Archana Ramesh, you will learn how to design a measurement strategy that empowers managers to listen to feedback and do something with it.

During with workshop, you will:

  • Understand the importance of shifting the mindset on who owns employee engagement results and the simple signals you may be sending that confuse ownership and accountability
  • Learn how you can help managers understand where to focus and outline a simple action-taking process (hint: it’s not about a cumbersome action plan!)
  • Discover how your role as an HR professional transforms from administrative to strategic when managers are empowered