CEO and Founder
NeuroLeadership Institute

The Neuroscience Behind Growth Mindset in Leadership and Organizational Development

The term “growth mindset” is one leaders throw around a lot. But how many of them actually know what it means? And how many apply it effectively in their organizations?

Growth mindset is defined as the belief that human abilities are not fixed but are capable of developing over time. Research in social psychology has shown that this mindset can make it more likely for people to improve after setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

In this session, Dr. David Rock (Director, NeuroLeadership Institute) will share how growth mindset can bring about behavior change, and the value that creates for large scale organizations. David will unpack the evolution of growth mindset, its broader impact on organizations, and how leading companies leverage it on a daily basis.

In this keynote, participants will learn:

  • What growth mindset is and why it has become such an important human capital issue in today’s workplace
  • Specific types of talent process applications impacted by growth mindset
  • How growth mindset is transforming the way large companies grow and develop their leaders, and the impact that’s having on their bottom line