Michael D. Blair, M.S. is a Lead Personnel Research Psychologist for the Human Resources Solution division of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). He serves as the lead psychologist for USA Hire, OPM’s online assessment platform. He manages assessment strategy and content for USA Hire and large-scale assessment projects for OPM. Michael has 25 years of assessment experience including both the private and public sector, and large scale (e.g., Fortune 100, Federal Government) and smaller scale organizations. Throughout his career, he has helped organizations redesign recruitment and selection processes to better leverage technology, introduce alternatives to inefficient and ineffective assessment strategies, and drive assessment innovation. He has authored articles, conference presentations, and webinars on topics including talent analytics, big data, assessment technology, internet-based testing, and the ROI of assessment. Michael is a former President of the International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) and an adjunct psychology faculty member. He earned his Master’s Degree from the University of Maryland.