Dan L. Ward currently serves in a senior advisory role for workforce strategy and the impact of technology at the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA.) Previously, he was the Chief Workforce Economist for The MITRE Corporation, where he provided people strategy counsel to Federal Agencies. During his four-decade career, Ward developed and implemented human capital planning and analytics practices for EDS, Texaco, GTE and AT&T.
The author of numerous articles and blog pieces, Ward was guest editor for the HR People + Strategy Fall 2019 issue dedicated to strategic workforce planning. Many current practitioners studied his books in college: AMACOM’s Positioned: Strategic Workforce Planning that Gets the Right Person in the Right Job and HRPS’s Best Practices in Human Resource Forecasting and Modeling. HRPS recognized Dan for his long-term contributions in innovative people practices with their Lifetime Achievement Award.
Prior to his professional career, Danny traveled the world performing with the U.S. Navy Rock Band - Fly in the Soup and the U.S. Navy jazz band, the Ambassadors