Rosemary A. Bova, President and Founder of Bova Enterprises, Inc. (BE) is a seasoned business advisor in the area of organization design and human development. BE's Total Management System addresses issues of the right structure for a company, the right people in the right jobs and the managerial practices to support them—resulting in greater managerial accountability and teamwork throughout the organization. She has developed HIPO and women's leadership succession planning systems for corporations and universities. Bova's philosophy is based on partnering with her clients. Whereas many consultants tell clients what to do, Bova has staying power and remains until the project is completed. Her general management experience in both corporations and the not for profit world provide a unique foundation upon which her consulting is built. A thought leader, she is frequently sought after as a keynote speaker and panelist. Bova holds a Masters in Science from Columbia University and a BA from Brookly College of the City University of NY. She has completed post graduate training and certification in NLP, the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland's Organization and Systems Development program, studied and worked directly with Dr. Elliott Jaques. Her curious mind and wide ranging interests have led her to study with Native Americans and Shamans, and learn about the current Cosmic changes underway.