Brandon is a member of Cal/OSHA’s leadership team. Currently, he coordinates and oversees five critical programs and units at Cal/OSHA. Those include the Alliance Program, Professional Development and Training Unit, Outreach Coordination Program, Publications Unit, and the statewide Heat and Agriculture Program. In addition to overseeing and managing these programs and units, he works with the department’s communications unit to develop campaign strategies to provide important messaging and outreach to workers and employers.
Brandon first joined Cal/OSHA in 2009 as an Associate Safety Engineer in the Santa Ana district office. He received a promotion to Senior Safety Engineer in 2014 and was assigned to work in the Region 3 regional office. In the ensuing period, Brandon conducted and coordinated many high profile inspections, participated in outreach events, trained new compliance safety and health officers throughout the southern region, and acted in a lead role in various regional and Division-wide assignments. In 2017, he received a promotion to his current senior management position and tasked to establish new units and revitalize older units and create a cohesive program with related functions.
Prior to joining Cal/OSHA, Brandon worked at State Compensation Insurance Fund as a Loss Control Consultant and Workers’ Compensation Claims Adjuster in Fresno, California. Brandon received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from National University and his Master of Science degree in Occupational Safety and Health from Columbia Southern University.