12:54 pm
Improving the Interview Loop and Optimizing the Candidate Experience
The cost of a bad hire may range anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. With the number of open roles increasing by 28% in 2016, it is critical that talent acquisition be targeted and purposeful about getting the right talent at the right time. In this HCI Keynote video, Therasa Cha, Head of People and Culture at TASER International, shares a tale of two very different companies, and in their commonalities she uncovers recruitment approaches that get results.
Key insights:
- If there are 6+ interviewers in your interview loop, consider cutting back to increase efficiency, improve performance, and bolster your interview-to-offer ratio.
- Get faster results by following up with candidates using the phone instead of email.
- Create standardized interview templates, including agenda and relocation information, in order to improve process consistency and the candidate experience.