The Second City

Messages are ignored. Behavior doesn’t change. Performance stalls. Why? Often it’s because your workforce isn’t fully engaged. Dig deeper and you may find that you’re not dealing with shared truths or acknowledging the humanity of your audience. To connect, you have to be pithy and punchy, relevant and relatable. And being funny is usually pretty helpful, too.

Learn More from The Second City

[Webcast] Seeing Obstacles As Gifts: How To Manage Change & Resilience

In under 10 minutes, learn how improv increases uncertainty tolerance and take away three practical exercises that you can start using right now that will help you navigate change and promote resilience in business and in life. 


[WATCH] Leading With Kindness & Clarity During a Crisis

Kim Scott, author and co-founder of Radical Candor, and Kelly Leonard, of Second City Works, share how clear, kind feedback and an agile mindset can help you lead through a crisis with practical tips for thriving in virtual work environments.


Promote a feedback-first culture for as little as $59 per person.

This is not your grandfather’s digital training program! The Second City’s comedy writers created this 5-part video series — think The Office meets Groundhog Day — that brings Radical Candor’s proven feedback framework to life in a way that’s fresh and effective. 

[WATCH] Developing Leadership At Every Level: An Improvisational Approach

Right now employees everywhere are being asked to step up, be agile, and practice resilience. In this webcast, learn how to give clear, kind feedback while staying connected and engaged during these rapidly changing times of uncertainty.