Vázquez Pérez
Employer Brand and Employee Experience Management (XM) Strategist

11:05am-11:40am EDT Experience Management: Onboarding a Distributed Workforce

Let’s get this straight, virtual and hybrid workplaces are not new, it may have just been due for your company.
As an employer, you know that adapting to the competitive landscape and emerging technologies is the day-to-day. You must respond rapidly to changes in the work environment. Great onboarding helps employers achieve business goals faster by accelerating employee productivity and engagement.
It is vital to get our teams in HR, Technology, real estate and business leaders on the same page. A great hand-off between departments is critical to succeed, especially when talent acquisition turns into talent management.
Learn the PROFITABLE benefits of employee experience management for onboarding purposes. One that is consistent, relevant, and attractive to employees and employer.
In this session we will discuss:
  • Adapting onboarding programs to virtual or hybrid working environments using Strategic blueprints to better communicate with employees.
  • Establish your employer image using your current offer in a relevant way. This is branding for HR!
  • A checklist to design value added people programs that will not only resonate with employees but will help you manage the employer brand reputation from within.
  • Create new people programs that are engaging and financially viable delivered through relevant micro-learning that gets managers involved and engaged too.
  • A blueprint to successfully promote human resources programs and engage new hires as early as possible with a great handoff between departments.
  • Master engagement funnels, high quality communications, and automate your people business. This is marketing for HR.