11:30-12:30pm- An Industrial Hygiene Plan for Manganese Exposure for Metal Industry Workers
During melting process of zinc, iron, nickel, and manganese, plenty of airborne particles and fumes generate around a worker’s respiratory system area. Inhaled manganese through occupational chronic exposure has a straight correlation with an increase in the central nervous system and respiratory diseases such as manganism and bronchitis. Manganism's symptoms, like those of Parkinson's disease, may include trembling, stiffness, slow motor movement (difficulty walking), facial muscle spasms, and potentially severe depression, anxiety, and hostility. For neurologists to make the best decision to treat the patient, they ask a simple question, what is your job? This helps to distinguish between manganism and Parkinson's in the early stages.
We will discuss our cross-sectional field study on the effects on the nervous systems of manganese dioxide on exposed workers by measuring manganese in blood. We’ll also study the strategies EHS professionals can use to monitor and reduce manganese exposure for metal workers in their immediate environment.
You will learn:
- The best strategy for air sampling, analyzing and monitor toxic metal particles in the workplaces (step-by-step for sampling and analysis)
- How to identify manganism in workers and the immediate steps that should be taken
- How to setup a respiratory protection strategy that includes proper PPE and periodic blood exams