Learning & Organizational Development Partner
Senior Learning and OD Partner

11:45am-12:20pm EDT Fireside Chat: The Do’s and Don’ts of Hybrid & Virtual Onboarding

We hear a lot about the best practices and frameworks that will turn “meh” onboarding into “WOW!” onboarding.
But there’s not much talk about what NOT to do when it comes to new hire onboarding. And with the shift towards remote-first and hybrid working, there’s a lot that can go wrong when it comes to welcoming your new employees.
Join Enboarder, Dropbox and Elastic to hear first hand about the successes (and failures) of rolling out a global onboarding program.
You’ll hear from Rachel Bycer, Learning & Organizational Development Partner at Dropbox, and Sheryl Lavi, Senior Learning & OD Partner at Elastic (formerly the Learning & OD Program Manager at Twitter) on the strategies and tactics that work exceptionally well in remote and hybrid onboarding, as well as their “okay, we’re never doing that again” moments.
In this session, you will learn:
  • How to maintain engagement and excitement from the moment a new hire accepts the job
  • How to onboard across multiple regions (and time zones)
  • How to instill a sense of belonging and connection with both your remote and in-person hires (and how to make sure your remote hires feel just as included and part of the team)
  • How to leverage technology to scale your onboarding program globally