Filipkowski Ph.D.
Vice President of Research and Development
Human Capital Institute (HCI)

2:15pm-2:25pm EDT Take Your Talent Pulse – New Insights from HCI Research

For the 7th year in a row, HCI has conducted original studies into the trends and challenges in human capital management. In this session, HCI’s head of research, Jenna Filipkowski, Ph.D., will present findings from the latest HCI Talent Pulse report. We aim to provide practitioners and decision-makers with new insights and ideas to effectively address current and future challenges at their organizations. All attendees will receive a digital copy of the research report entitled Cultivating (and Measuring) Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity at Work. 
In this session, you will: 
- Understand how the organizations that participated in our research cultivate inclusion, belonging, and equity at work 
- Learn how these important diversity and inclusion (D&I) concepts can be measured 
- Action plan to set up both an evidence and experience-based D&I function at your organization