Author of Artificial Intelligence for HR: Use AI to Build a Successful Workforce
Lighthouse Research & Advisory

AI and HR

Chatbots. Algorithms. Machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence is already entering the workplace, and the learning function is not immune to its steady progression. Does this mean we’re doomed to be replaced by these systems in short order? Not likely. Research shows that 81% of learning professionals believe new technologies will drive reskilling needs, which just goes to show that L&D is still a necessary component of business success. In fact, we may be able to leverage AI to make the workplace more human, not less.

In spite of worrisome automation headlines and stories of algorithmic bias, a variety of organizations are leveraging AI applications for increased efficiency, more strategic activities, and a more personalized employee experience. In this session, attendees will learn the basic elements of how AI works, current and future applications within the learning profession, and what skills matter most in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. This blend of research and case studies will give L&D leaders clear insights into where this trend is headed.

You will learn:

  • The landscape of AI within HR technology and specifically within learning and development
  • How to prioritize the human skills of work in the era of automation and artificial intelligence
  • Case studies of AI applications within the L&D function and the practical takeaways for business leaders