Principal Consultant, Talent Acquisition
Cornerstone OnDemand

AI, Machine Learning and Talent Acquisition

Plenty of new technologies have impacted hiring in the past decade, but few will have as much impact as AI in the coming years. With record unemployment rates and a shifting workplace culture, talent has become a key area of focus for organizations right up to the C-Suite. But with every new technology advance comes a lot of buzzwords, mistruths and confusion, even for the most advanced talent acquisition teams about how it can (or should) be used effectively in the hiring process.

Join Sarah Brennan, Founder of Accelir Insights, as she walks through some of the basics of AI in recruiting, answers the five most common questions about AI, how companies seeing the most impact from AI today and where the technology is headed in the next five years.

In this session you will learn:

  • What AI, machine learning, and other technologies are and their impact on recruiting professionals
  • How to tell which technological trends are truly transformative and which are mere shiny objects.
  • Why you need to focus first on defining your recruiting strategy before you begin searching for tech to support it.