Director, Talent Acquisition

Analytical Goal Setting from Hiring to Performance Management

Companies waste countless hours (and dollars) replacing people who were hired based on gut instinct but who don’t ultimately pass the test. In this HCI Keynote video, Charles Telep, Director of Talent Acquisition at LogMeIn, walks us through the scorecard-based approach this leading software-as-a-service company takes toward hiring at all levels.  

Key insights:

  • Define the mission for a given role, in plain English, based on the key accountabilities for the position as well as the competencies and culture of the organization.
  • Use hiring scorecards to help you define and prioritize roles, increase quality of hire, and minimize wasted time and energy.
  • Source, screen, and test for fit before conducting structured deep-dive interviews, otherwise you might lose promising candidates early on in the process.
  • Learn to look for patterns in your interview data and analyze them as part of your decision making process.