Senior Director, People Operations
Vox Media

Build a Culture of Feedback and Grow Employee Engagement

Feedback. Employees are clamoring for it. Companies are getting exponentially better at collecting it. No matter how you slice it, feedback is essential to an engaged, growth-minded organization. In this HCI Keynote video, Erin Bakst, Senior Director of People Operations at Vox Media, describes how you can encourage and design a culture of continuous feedback among employees, managers, and peers. Whether your goal is to better understand your workforce as a whole or improve the quality of one-on-one interactions between people, this presentation is a must see.

Key insights:

  • Adopt a high-frequency, user-friendly approach to collecting feedback from employees.
  • Learn how Vox Media implemented a lean, informal approach to quarterly performance conversations between managers and employees.
  • Encourage peer-to-peer feedback to improve performance conversations without disrupting your business.