
Channels not Dams: Constructing Feedback Flows for Improved Performance and Engagement

General Session

To become more agile with their goal setting and to foster better manager and team member relationships, organizations have transformed their annual performance conversations to continuous feedback systems. But how freely does this feedback flow throughout the organization? And how often is this information used both by individuals and their leaders?

Feedback is an investment you make in your talent to help them get better and continue to stay. Thus, it is important to know what works (and what doesn’t) in asking, giving, and receiving feedback. This interactive session features new HCI research, roundtable discussions, and tools you can use back at the office.


  • Learn the feedback practices of high-performing organizations
  • Identify resources for sharing and receiving performance feedback
  • Evaluate your organization’s feedback processes to determine if they are meeting its objectives
  • Work to increase your confidence in asking for and receiving feedback to achieve your own goals