Cox Enterprises
Cox Enterprises

Collaboration Supports Data-driven Talent Strategy at Cox 

Concurrent Session

As the war for talent intensifies, Cox, like many organizations, has made investments in people analytics in order to have a deeper understanding of people issues, with the expectation that they produce insights that are predictive and actionable to attract and retain top talent. Four years ago, Cox’s talent management teams embarked on a journey to transform their employee’s career experience.

This effort required investments in technology and in cross-functional partnerships to measure the impact of talent initiatives and support a more evidence-based approach to HR. Back then, the relationship between talent management and reporting was a casual acquaintance. However, very quickly, that relationship grew into a strategic partnership that remains critical to our ability to inform enterprise decisions about our talent.

This session will:

  • Provide you with an understanding of the structure of Cox’s Talent Management and Reporting/Analytic organizations and partnerships
  • Help you develop a plan that will support everyday partnership with your Talent Management or Reporting/Analytics partners
  • Discuss real-life business scenarios where Cox’s HR strategy was informed by data and analytics
  • Share lessons learned on how to prepare and structure your data in order to anticipate future requests