Leader, Learning and Development - Americas
Creating a Strengths-based Organization to Drive Ownership and Accountability at ALL Levels
There are many not-so-secrets to Facebook®’s apparent success as an organization, and perhaps chief among them is its rather open fixation on being an organization in which everyone is seen and expected to behave as an owner and, in so doing, owning their strengths and the impact they have in using them. This session will be a conversation about that journey through the eyes of Mike Rognlien, self-described builder of awesome people at Facebook (2011-2017), and about the best philosophies and practices that any organization can use to create a culture of strengths and ownership.
You will learn:
- Insights and best practices on building a strengths-based culture, especially through learning & development.
- The business case for creating a strengths-based culture and outline the steps that Facebook has taken to do so (via performance expectations, the performance review process and, importantly, through re-training people to focus on building on their strengths vs. fixing their weaknesses).
- The specific roles that both managers and employees play in creating relationships where conversations about performance and about the relationship itself are based upon clear expectations, set by both manager and report, and revisited regularly to ensure that they are being met.