Best Selling Author
Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC

Cultural Intelligence (CQ): The Essential Intelligence for the 21st Century

Whether it’s equipping talent to work across international borders or ensuring that diverse teams at home work together effectively, cultural intelligence has never been more important. Cultural intelligence, or CQ, is a model for working and relating successfully in culturally diverse situations. While rooted in a vast body of scientific research, it’s deeply practical and has been adopted by leading organizations such as Google, Harvard Business School, Singapore Airlines, BMW, and hundreds more.

This session will introduce you to the cultural intelligence model and suggest several practical ways you can use it to support global talent at home and abroad. Rather than simply teaching outdated stereotypes about Germans or Chinese, or Latinos and Millennials, this innovative approach is proven to enhance the effectiveness and innovation of multicultural teams.

What you will learn:

  • Cultural Intelligence (CQ): What it is and how to measure it
  • Strategies for Improving CQ
  • The link between diversity, CQ, and innovation