Chairman, Generation Next

Developing Managers to Foster Creativity and Innovation

Angel Montesdeoca, Chairman of IBM’s Generation Next, will share insights on how organizations can create a cycle of empowerment for diverse communities by educating, recruiting, developing, and promoting diverse talent. By creating a cycle of empowerment, organizations will not only create more diverse workforces but also diverse products for an increasingly diverse world of clients. Angel will share how his cohort of millennial and diverse talent leverages the latest methodologies (design thinking) and tools (social media, github, etc.) to develop empathy at scale. By empowering the current generation of diverse talent to pave the path for the next generation of top talent, organizations can create the bridge for a more diverse future.

You will learn:

  • How AI is transforming how businesses are infusing diversity and inclusion into their culture
  • How organizations and companies can train their workers to leverage AI tools (i.e. visual recognition, virtual agents, insight engines, etc.) to recruit, develop and promote a strong community of diverse talent
  • A roadmap template of how organizations can test this model and then scale it