Manager, Talent Acquisition
Aspen Dental Management, Inc. (ADMI)

Don’t Forget About Me, I Work For You, Too! Engaging the Part-time and Virtual Workforce

Do you struggle with keeping your teams connected?  Are you facing challenges as you seek to communicate with part-time and virtual employees?

With current research identifying that nearly half of the American workforce is virtual in some capacity, it is critical to remember that part-time and virtual employees are equally as important to a company’s success.   Often times, these workers can easily be out of sync with the day to day operations

No employee status or location is superior to the other.  Let’s walk thru ways to avoid the “out of sight out of mind” cycle.

What attendees will learn:

  • How to create cohesiveness among employees
  • Ways to streamline communication among distributed workforces
  • How to help remote employees increase their value as teammates


  • Communication tools that create a bond with virtual employees and their managers
  • Collaboration tools to better integrate virtual employees with their teams and leaders
  • Tools and strategies specifically aimed at making the virtual and part time workers feel valued as well