Assistant Commissioner and Chief Learning Officer
State of Tennessee Department of HR

Engagement Tools that Provide Innovative Solutions for Today’s Fluid and Competitive Talent Hunt

Organizations are increasingly challenged to attract and retain staff. Retirement, private, and public-sector competition and evolving workplace expectations are beginning to stack up against traditional workplace practices. Questions about mobility, collaboration spaces and recruiting tools are becoming common during the interview process, and organizations are not always prepared to offer competitive answers in today’s fluid and highly-competitive job market. This interactive session offers a look at what innovative organizations including Tennessee State Government are doing to scrap outmoded practices and embrace new paradigms and the tools they use to equip and optimize their workforce.

You will learn:

  • How to develop a business case for creating an organizational employee engagement strategy
  • Employee engagement approaches and tools that have demonstrated effectiveness
  • Explore new paradigms and tips for success to apply back on the job
  • Why there's urgency for creating an employee engagement business strategy


  • Toolkit handout provided by Trish Holliday – included are specific engagement strategies and tools that have proven successful by the State of TN.
  • Mobility and recruiting tools