Director, Global Senior Leadership Development and Assessment

Engaging and Developing a Global High Potential Talent Pipeline: The Conversations Your Leaders Want to Have and the Questions No One is Asking

If you ask just about any Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) what keeps them up at night, many will cite the projected ever-widening talent gap as Boomers begin retiring in droves—many from senior executive roles—and the concern that few organizations have enough qualified candidates to step forward in their place. Therefore, in order to prepare for the talent strategy of the future, succession planning along with the retention and engagement of high potential leaders is now more important than ever.

While many companies want to build talent from within, often through high potential identification, assessment, and development experiences, many wonder if these initiatives truly create the necessary leadership competencies required for the future. During this session, the content will focus on both industry best practices as well as lessons learned from engaging and developing talent through global high potential programs. In addition, the presentation will address how to involve leaders in authentic conversation in order to enhance engagement and succession planning.

You will learn:

  • How, amidst change, to facilitate greater communication, clarity, and safety for your high potential leaders
  • Best practices and common challenges encountered in succession planning
  • Strategies and tools for engaging and developing a global high potential talent pipeline, including important questions to elicit the Five Conversations Your Leaders Want to Have but No One is Asking