Author and Former VP Knowledge Managemen
JPMorgan Chase

Finding and Developing Hidden Talent in Your Organization

This roundtable will assist you in designing, developing, or building upon the best practices and ideas generated in this highly interactive session. In Case Scenario format, three corporate initiatives and transformation efforts either underway or in the late stage of implementation will be shared, discussed and analyzed for adaption in your organization. No matter the stage of your efforts, we will address your needs.
FINDING HIDDEN TALENT is seen and is recognized as being a key and perhaps most critical success factor in the success of the organization to achieve its business goals.
Throughout our roundtable we will focus on mining the group gold stimulated by successful initiatives and sharing with other leaders and practitioners what can be implemented cost-effectively and rapidly.
As we focus attention on three different successfully implemented solutions to FINDING HIDDEN TALENT we will ensure that you will walk away from the session with achievable action items. In addition to being highly interactive our roundtable will sprinkle throughout the session relevant tips, tactics and strategies which will add to the abundance of important takeaways.
You will:
Learn new ways to curate your own set of best practices and innovative strategies for engaging senior leadership on your most critical talent initiatives.
Discover opportunities to fast-track best practices and seamlessly integrate within the talent process itself.
Learn new approaches for dispelling limitations and myths of best practices while getting buy-in from critical stakeholders who will ensure early adoption of your talent initiatives.