Human Capital Management Institute (HCMI) 
Integrated Business Planning
Red Hat
Moon, PhD. 
Director, People Insights

Foundational Track: Human Capital Reporting Standards are Coming. Are you ready?

General Session

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) workforce-related reporting and disclosure is limited to employee headcount, preventing investors from understanding such basic information as the amount a company spends on its workforce, the employee turnover rate or the overall engagement of employees. However, with the approval and release of ISO Human Capital Reporting standard 30414, this limitation will begin to change.

In December 2018, after an extensive three-year global effort, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) issued official guidelines on the measurement and reporting of human capital talent information (ISO Std 30414). According to the guidelines, investors, analysts, customers, researchers and employees would soon have a new category of data with which to assess the organization’s ability to generate financial returns from their investments in human capital.

Now what should pro-active, leading organizations do? Led by a group of experts, institutional investors and company executives, this panel will discuss the following topics:

- Which metrics should the Board of Directors, CEO and management be familiar with?

- What story do the metrics tell?

- Which metrics are needed internally?

- Which metrics can and should be reported externally?